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National Bank Platinum MasterCard® Business Card

Interest Rates
20.99 %Purchase
22.99 %Cash Advance
Annual Fees
$125Main Cardholer
$50Additional Card




Flight delay

Up to $500 flight departure delay insurance (over 4 hours)


Auto rental coverage

Travel protected against collision, theft or damage for up to 48 days with $2,000 bonus coverage for loss of personal effects


Purchase protection

Your purchases made with Platinum Business Mastercard are covered for up to 180 days.


Extended warranty

You can triple the manufacturer's warranty up to 2 additional years.


Lost or stolen baggage `insurance

Your luggage is safe with a protection up to $1,000 per person


Emergency purchases

Up to $500 per person in case of baggage delay (over 6 hours)



Worldwide customer service

You can contact customer services 24/7 from any location in the world.

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